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HRI Management API Issues

Authentication is possible but has failed or not yet been provided

Issue: the Management API responds with this error:

  "code": "2cde977c23b3ab78befed56a6aac3820",
  "error": "Authentication is possible but has failed or not yet been provided."

Cause: the IBM Functions API Gateway is unable to authenticate with the backend IBM Function Actions. Actions have an API key and the API Gateway must be configured to use that API key. Typically, this is due to the API Gateway missing or having the wrong API key.

Option 1. Try redeploying the Management API. This will generate a new API key and set it on the Actions and the API Gateway endpoints.

Option 2. Manually update the API endpoints.

  1. You will need the IBM Cloud CLI and Functions plugin. See these instructions for installing them.
  2. Set the CLI resource group to where the Management API is deployed.

    ibmcloud target -g <resource_group>
  3. Set the CLI Functions namespace to where the Management API is deployed.

    ibmcloud fn namespace target <namespace>
  4. Recreate all the API methods. Below is an example of the create batch endpoint. Reference mgmt-api-manifest.yml for a complete list of the endpoints and their associated actions.

    ibmcloud fn api create /hri /tenants/{tenantId}/batches post hri_mgmt_api/create_batch --response-type http

Option 3. Manually update the API gateway JSON configuration.

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above to set up the IBM CLI.
  2. Download the API json configuration.

    ibmcloud fn api get hri-batches > api.json
  3. Get the API key set for the Actions. Run

    ibmcloud fn package get hri_mgmt_api

and the output should have a "require-whisk-auth" entry for each action. It should be the same value for every action. E.g:

        "key": "require-whisk-auth",
        "value": "hIadvQ8w4nkJeWa3i7OPDb9WqTAUV9d6"
  1. Edit the api.json file and add or replace the API key. There will be a x-ibm-configuration element, and a couple of layers inside, an array of execute elements, one for each endpoint. Each of these needs to have a set-variable.actions element that sets message.headers.X-Require-Whisk-Auth to the API key. Make sure there is one for every endpoint and that they match the API key from step 3.
        "execute": [
                "invoke": {
                    "target-url": "$(request.path)",
                    "verb": "keep"
                "set-variable": {
                    "actions": [
                            "set": "message.headers.X-Require-Whisk-Auth",
                            "value": "hIadvQ8w4nkJeWa3i7OPDb9WqTAUV9d6"
        "operations": [

Event Streams Issues

SSL Certificate Issues

Issue: when attempting to connect to Event Streams you receive SSL errors. In Java, you might get this exception unable to find valid certification path to requested target. With curl, you get this error SSL Certificate: Invalid certificate chain.

Cause: the Enterprise Event Streams brokers use a certificate signed byissuer=C = US, O = Let’s Encrypt, CN = Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 which is different from Standard versions. Whatever client is connecting to Event Streams is missing the Let’s Encrypt public certificate. For Java, this certificate was added in version 8u101.

Fix: add the Let’s Encrypt public certificate to your trusted root certificates. This varies depending on what technology you are using. Java comes with its own ‘truststore’ with root certificates and all operating systems also store root certificates. The Let’s Encrypt certificates can be downloaded here. There are several guides online for adding certificates to the Java trust store. Here’s one from Oracle. Here is a guide for several operating systems.


Setup Curl with IBM Elasticsearch

Below are instructions for setting up Curl to interact with the Elasticsearch API directly. This can be useful when investigating issues or in some update scenarios like modifying existing index templates.

  1. Note: this requires the use of the command-line cURL tool
  2. In your IBM Cloud Elasticsearch (Document Store) account, you will need to have either: * an existing Service Credential you can access OR * create a new Service Credential that you will use below for the $USERNAME and $PASSWORD needed to run the Elasticsearch REST commands

To create a new Service Credential:

Navigate to the Elasticsearch service instance in your IBM Cloud account. Then click on the “Service Credentials” link on the left-hand side Elasticsearch service menu:


On the Service Credentials page click the New Credential button:


You will name your new credential and click the “Add” button. After that, your credential will be generated for you and you will be able to click on the “View Credentials” link. From this expanded service credentials window, you may retrieve your newly created Elasticsearch Username and Password that you will need for the Elasticsearch REST commands using cURL.

Next, you will need to download the certificate and export it, so cURL can authenticate with the IBM Cloud Elasticsearch instance. To do this:

Navigate to the Management screen for your Elasticsearch instance, which will look something like this (ID field obscured in the ScreenCap for security):


Scroll down your screen, and in the “Connections” panel, click on the “CLI” toggle. You will be using cURL to run commands from your local environment on the IBM Cloud Elasticsearch instance. See this page in the IBM Cloud Documentation for more info on Connecting to Elasticsearch with cURL.


In the “Connections” panel, there is a section for TLS Certificate. You will want to save the text from the “Contents” panel in that TLS Certificate section to a local file such as:


Use the contents of this file with cURL by exporting it to CURL_CA_BUNDLE.

export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=/local-path/to/file/hri-documentstore.crt

Find the base url in the “Public CLI endpoint” textbox. In this example it starts with https://8165307:


You can now interact with the Elasticsearch REST API using cURL. For example, you can get the status of the cluster by performing a GET on the _cluster/health?pretty endpoint.

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> \

You can get the default index template by performing a GET to the _index_template/batches endpoint.

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> \

You can also get the mapping for existing indexes (one per tenant) at <index>/_mapping.

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> \