designed to enable
healthcare innovation
Project Alvearie is an open-source project designed to bring together contributors from across the health and life sciences ecosystem for collaboration around common and pervasive challenges to health data ingestion and flow.
Together, we're working toward building a set of extensible, modular and scalable multi-cloud data and analytics components that can help organizations improve care delivery and operate more efficiently in a highly regulated environment.
Alvearie: (al-vee-air-ee) - from Latin alvearium, "beehive"
Represents a group of people collaborating to build something that any one of us couldn't do on our own. In the sense of a repository - especially of knowledge or information: originally the name of a dictionary encompassing several languages
Key Objectives
Transform healthcare tech with an open ecosystem of composable services aligned with open standards, and delivered via cloud agnostic technology
Build an extensible, modular, scalable set of components that can be pipeline aligned with common industry-standard data models
Be the leading reference implementation in healthcare, highlighting how to combine various technologies into meaningful patterns for healthcare
Get Involved
Solve problems across the healthcare ecosystem Our work will drive innovative solutions that address top industry challenges related to care quality and delivery, consumer experiences, clinical development, and more. | |
Make data more useful to enhance clinical and operational outcomes Contribute to a collection of assets that aim to improve data ingestion, integration, persistence and analytics. Core components in Alvearie support healthcare standards like HL7,FHIR and DICOM. | |
Collaborate with contributors from across health and life sciences Alvearie calls on contributors from across HCLS - from private and public orgs, to tech vendors and developers - to bring a diverse array of perspectives and experiences to our work. | |
Explore enterprise-scale open source technologies Alvearie leans on top open source technologies - from OpenShift, to Kubernetes, to Python and more - to leverage enterprise scale in our work. |
Open Source Community Projects
Alvearie combines a number of open source projects:
OpenShift hybrid cloud platform
Apache Spark cluster computing framework
Apache Nifi data distribution and processing
Apache Kafka stream-processing platform
Apache Camel integration framework
Apache Flink batch-processing framework
Kubeflow for machine learning workflows on kubernetes
Keycloak for identity and access management
NATS distributed messaging queue
dcm4che applications and utilites
Mirth HL7 interface engine
HAPI utilities for HL7 v2 messaging
CQL Evaluation Engine